Monday, 17 December 2012

Heads Up! Incoming!!

So I’ve posted my Winter reading list, which should see me through to the end of February, but there are new books due out all the time in YA, and if you are interested in seeing what they might be, then these sites, show a selection of the line up for 2013.

 I already have my eye on Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Princess for the Spring TBR list, which, would you believe, already has its foundations, with three books (by male writers as it happens) courtesy of Christmas presents sent to me by My Lovely Critique Partner. (Have I mentioned before that every writer should have one? Why yes, I do believe I have. Gold dust. Seriously.)

Suddenly I feel very organised, having a current schedule, and already booking slots into Spring. Mmmmm, I love books. The excitement just never stops...

Which 2013 books are you hanking for?

Today's Distraction Tool (yes, remember this?) Glee at the sound of packages being popped through my letterbox by the postman. My Christmas shopping plan is coming together... 

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